Überegg - A Gravity Defying Powcraft The Überegg is a direct descendant of our Obelix shape, and has found
its way straight into our Classic Line. We teamed up with a bunch of
angry, pow-spitting aliens to create this extra-terrestrial flying
saucer design, which features a positive sidecut radius and a long
drawn-out rocker profile. It is no surprise that it accelerates to
star-warping speeds in powder, thanks to its incredible amount of
surface area. Don't miss your flight to powder heaven & tighten your
buckles for liftoff with this shape!
Mid Flex Our FULL ROCKER offers the most float of all our board profiles.
now also found its way in to our Classic Line. Combined with its largly
positive sidecut it makes for a unparalleled riding experience in deep
Apart from its amazing performance in soft & deep snow, this shape
is still fun and easy to turn on hardpack. A proper taper and full
rocker make it very forgiving, allowing even beginners to have a great
time on it. It's unique shape offers more surface area where you want it
on those deep days and will take your powder game to new dimensions!
Fri frakt på alle bestillinger over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Normalt vil du motta varen 1-3 virkedager etter mottatt bestilling (vi tar forbehold om noe lengre leveringstid ved salgsperioder og høytider).
Servicepakke (kr 99 - 179,-):
- Fri frakt på alle ordre over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Snowboard har fast fraktpris på 179,- Du mottar hentemelding fra Posten, og henter pakken på ditt nærmeste postkontor/post i butikk.
På døren (kr 149 - 299,-):
Snowboard 299,-, øvrige varer 149,-. Posten leverer pakken på døren, kl 08-17 eller kr 17-21, avhengig av postnummer.
Ved kjøp av varer på session.no kan du alltid sende de i retur til Session Webshop innen 30 dager fra du mottok varene, jmf. angrerettloven. Angreretten gir deg retten til å få pengene tilbake. Dersom du har bestilt feil størrelse eller lignende er det fullt mulig å bytte varen i en av våre butikker.
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652d5466dc7c42a39fd36532b26ee722https://session.no/Korua-Shapes-UEberegg-Snowboard-CL-UE1-24-No-Colorhttps://session.no/media/5a/7a/4e/1699618376/CO-UE1-White-Red_0_(1).jpg?ts=1699618376InStock6899NOK4ab0b1420b59460b8996bbf7b6a209e9Überegg Snowboard689968993https://session.no/Korua-Shapes-UEberegg-Snowboard-4260365190327https://session.no/media/5a/7a/4e/1699618376/CO-UE1-White-Red_0_(1).jpg?ts=1699618376InStock42603651903274ab0b1420b59460b8996bbf7b6a209e9157 cmNo-ColorHerre, DameWide, Pudder, DirectionalMedium · 4-7/ 10Rockerhttps://session.no/media/8c/24/c5/1644270163/Korua.svg?ts=16442701632024-11-05 12:00:00.000CL-UE1-24-No-Color4260365190327{"extensions":[],"displayParent":true,"mainVariantId":null,"configuratorGroupConfig":null,"displayCheapestVariant":null,"displayMainVariant":null}/Snowboarding/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Snowboards/Merker/Merker/Korua Shapes/snowboard/snowboardhardvare/brett/Merker/Korua-Shapes/snowboard/snowboard/snowboardhardvare03d4872d66074733a576cbb40a6c1f6884d18b9d2b6b4b4db2a4ede10c4dc977998617f396c1461d877fc2c0a07fea74c931be9d198b494b82dfd4c20d758195e98b18ede0364465aae794341e03115af7ff169cf3aa404799748f22ac12cdcce98b18ede0364465aae794341e03115ac931be9d198b494b82dfd4c20d758195f7ff169cf3aa404799748f22ac12cdcc998617f396c1461d877fc2c0a07fea74Korua Shapes<div role="alert" class="alert alert-info alert-has-icon">
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<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="24" height="24" viewBox="0 0 24 24"><path fill="#758CA3" fill-rule="evenodd" d="M12 7c.5523 0 1 .4477 1 1s-.4477 1-1 1-1-.4477-1-1 .4477-1 1-1zm1 9c0 .5523-.4477 1-1 1s-1-.4477-1-1v-5c0-.5523.4477-1 1-1s1 .4477 1 1v5zm11-4c0 6.6274-5.3726 12-12 12S0 18.6274 0 12 5.3726 0 12 0s12 5.3726 12 12zM12 2C6.4772 2 2 6.4772 2 12s4.4772 10 10 10 10-4.4772 10-10S17.5228 2 12 2z"></path></svg>
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<div class="u-cms"><strong>Überegg - A Gravity Defying Powcraft<br></strong>The Überegg is a direct descendant of our Obelix shape, and has found
its way straight into our Classic Line. We teamed up with a bunch of
angry, pow-spitting aliens to create this extra-terrestrial flying
saucer design, which features a positive sidecut radius and a long
drawn-out rocker profile. It is no surprise that it accelerates to
star-warping speeds in powder, thanks to its incredible amount of
surface area. Don't miss your flight to powder heaven & tighten your
buckles for liftoff with this shape!
<strong><br><br>Mid Flex</strong><br> <b>Our FULL ROCKER offers the most float of all our board profiles. <br><br>It’s
now also found its way in to our Classic Line. Combined with its largly
positive sidecut it makes for a unparalleled riding experience in deep
conditions.<br></b><br>Apart from its amazing performance in soft & deep snow, this shape
is still fun and easy to turn on hardpack. A proper taper and full
rocker make it very forgiving, allowing even beginners to have a great
time on it. It's unique shape offers more surface area where you want it
on those deep days and will take your powder game to new dimensions!
<br><br><strong> Carving : </strong>6/10<br> <strong>Transition/Freestyle :</strong> 6/10<br> <strong>Backcountry/Trees :</strong> 8/10<br> <strong>Powder :</strong> 10/10<br><br><table style="width: 100%;" border="2">
<tr align="left">
<td>Size (cm)</td>
<td>Max Boot Size (EU)</td>
<td>Max Boot Sole Length (cm)</td>
<td>Rider Weight Range (kg)</td>
<td>Max Rider Height (cm)</td>
<td>32.2 cm</td>
<td>60 - 95 kg</td>
<td>195 cm</td>
<div class="u-cms">
<table style="width: 100%;" border="2">
<td>Length (cm)</td>
<td>Effective Edge (mm)</td>
<td>Running Length (mm)</td>
<td>Nose Width (mm)</td>
<td>Waist Width (mm)</td>
<td>Tail Width (mm)</td>
<td>Avg. Sidecut Radius (m)</td>
<td>Setback (mm)</td>
<td>Taper (mm)</td>
<td>Recommended Stance (cm) </td>
<td>Adjust. Stance Range (cm)</td>
<td>42 - 70</td>
<td>Board Weight (kg)</td>
<td>Switch Riding</td>
<td>..No Problem :) ?!</td>
<p> </p>6899