Produktinformasjon "Kids Mini Grom Step On® Snowboard Binding"
Obs: Step On® Bindinger krever Step On® Boots.
The Power of Independence
is a powerful learning tool. Designed in collaboration with Burton
employees and their kids, the kids' Burton Step On® Grom Snowboard
Bindings make it a cinch for even the smallest riders to achieve
snowboarding independence. Built specifically for kids, there are
release levers at the toe and heel for added ease of use. Like the name
says, it's a step on and ride scenario.
Step On® Boot Size Guide M = 28 - 33
Flex : Medium
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Fri frakt på alle bestillinger over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Normalt vil du motta varen 1-3 virkedager etter mottatt bestilling (vi tar forbehold om noe lengre leveringstid ved salgsperioder og høytider).
Servicepakke (kr 99 - 179,-):
- Fri frakt på alle ordre over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Snowboard har fast fraktpris på 179,- Du mottar hentemelding fra Posten, og henter pakken på ditt nærmeste postkontor/post i butikk.
På døren (kr 149 - 299,-):
Snowboard 299,-, øvrige varer 149,-. Posten leverer pakken på døren, kl 08-17 eller kr 17-21, avhengig av postnummer.
Ved kjøp av varer på kan du alltid sende de i retur til Session Webshop innen 30 dager fra du mottok varene, jmf. angrerettloven. Angreretten gir deg retten til å få pengene tilbake. Dersom du har bestilt feil størrelse eller lignende er det fullt mulig å bytte varen i en av våre butikker.
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a4afc7f4824f4e83878f778da086e54fKids Mini Grom Step On® Snowboard Binding{"extensions":[],"displayParent":null,"mainVariantId":null,"configuratorGroupConfig":[{"id":"224d55c4fc74495cb0587fd402d4695d","representation":"box","expressionForListings":false},{"id":"bbff95d0eb764c498f5f8ba205248cbb","representation":"box","expressionForListings":false}]}/Snowboarding/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Bindinger/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Bindinger/Step On® BindingerBurton<div class="alert alert-info alert-has-icon" role="alert">
<span class="icon icon-info">
<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns=""><path d="M12 7c.5523 0 1 .4477 1 1s-.4477 1-1 1-1-.4477-1-1 .4477-1 1-1zm1 9c0 .5523-.4477 1-1 1s-1-.4477-1-1v-5c0-.5523.4477-1 1-1s1 .4477 1 1v5zm11-4c0 6.6274-5.3726 12-12 12S0 18.6274 0 12 5.3726 0 12 0s12 5.3726 12 12zM12 2C6.4772 2 2 6.4772 2 12s4.4772 10 10 10 10-4.4772 10-10S17.5228 2 12 2z" fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#758CA3"></path></svg>
<div class="alert-content-container">
<div class="alert-content">Obs: Step On® Bindinger krever Step On® Boots.</div>
<p><strong></strong></p><dd class="accordion-item-details" data-v-5a449a48=""><div class="accordion-item-details-inner" data-v-12656774="" data-v-7f784c90=""><p>The Power of Independence</p><p>Independence
is a powerful learning tool. Designed in collaboration with Burton
employees and their kids, the kids' Burton Step On® Grom Snowboard
Bindings make it a cinch for even the smallest riders to achieve
snowboarding independence. Built specifically for kids, there are
release levers at the toe and heel for added ease of use. Like the name
says, it's a step on and ride scenario.</p></div></dd><div><div><b>Step On® Boot Size Guide</b><br><b>M =</b> 28 - 33<br></div><p></p>
<div>Flex : <strong>Medium</strong><br><br><iframe width="100%" height="600" src="" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share" allowfullscreen></iframe>2099