Get pro-caliber speed and precision with the most aggressive board in Burton's lineup.
Pro-caliber is a strong statement for any board, but the men's Burton
Custom X Snowboard has repeatedly delivered for snowboarding's most
demanding riders due to precise design and powerful drive. The
confidence is in the tech, which includes the carbon-fueled snap of
Squeezebox High core profiling, a competition-grade base, and 45° Carbon
Highlights High-Voltage for the ultimate in lightweight responsiveness.
The hardest charging board we make, the Custom X is available in two
versions: Choose the power of camber or the float and catch-free feel of
Flying V.
All 2014 and newer Burton snowboards with The Channel mounting system
(such as the one you are looking at here) are backed by a three-year
warranty from date of purchase.
Personality Soft and Playful - Happy Medium - Stiff and Aggressive
Terrain Park : 6/10 - All Mountain : 9/10 - Powder : 7/10
Binding Size Chart: S = 35-40.5 M = 37-43.5 L = 43.5-50+
Fri frakt på alle bestillinger over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Normalt vil du motta varen 1-3 virkedager etter mottatt bestilling (vi tar forbehold om noe lengre leveringstid ved salgsperioder og høytider).
Servicepakke (kr 99 - 179,-):
- Fri frakt på alle ordre over 1500,- med unntak av Snowboard. Snowboard har fast fraktpris på 179,- Du mottar hentemelding fra Posten, og henter pakken på ditt nærmeste postkontor/post i butikk.
På døren (kr 149 - 299,-):
Snowboard 299,-, øvrige varer 149,-. Posten leverer pakken på døren, kl 08-17 eller kr 17-21, avhengig av postnummer.
Ved kjøp av varer på kan du alltid sende de i retur til Session Webshop innen 30 dager fra du mottok varene, jmf. angrerettloven. Angreretten gir deg retten til å få pengene tilbake. Dersom du har bestilt feil størrelse eller lignende er det fullt mulig å bytte varen i en av våre butikker.
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c60c0fa2f8ff42bc9eeab832e2fe99a7Custom X Snowboardpakke SW10066_0.jpg?ts=1730112867InStock17599NOKSW10066c60c0fa2f8ff42bc9eeab832e2fe99a7162 cm, 156 cm, 154 cm, 158 cm, 162 W, 166 WHerre Brand/Snowboarding/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Snowboarding/Snowboard/Snowboardpakker/snowboard/snowboardhardvare/snowboardpakke/snowboard/snowboard/snowboardhardvare500ca10372974af6a5cc14f4b02b19a0608e8ae01e7a468e8940462e9bf86ca5998617f396c1461d877fc2c0a07fea749ac396d5929f4169923af5f3174ab6e5c931be9d198b494b82dfd4c20d758195ce71fb7b956241db941acc5f217ad87ce98b18ede0364465aae794341e03115af7ff169cf3aa404799748f22ac12cdcce98b18ede0364465aae794341e03115a998617f396c1461d877fc2c0a07fea74ce71fb7b956241db941acc5f217ad87cc931be9d198b494b82dfd4c20d758195f7ff169cf3aa404799748f22ac12cdccBurton
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<svg viewBox="0 0 24 24" height="24" width="24" xmlns=""><path d="M12 7c.5523 0 1 .4477 1 1s-.4477 1-1 1-1-.4477-1-1 .4477-1 1-1zm1 9c0 .5523-.4477 1-1 1s-1-.4477-1-1v-5c0-.5523.4477-1 1-1s1 .4477 1 1v5zm11-4c0 6.6274-5.3726 12-12 12S0 18.6274 0 12 5.3726 0 12 0s12 5.3726 12 12zM12 2C6.4772 2 2 6.4772 2 12s4.4772 10 10 10 10-4.4772 10-10S17.5228 2 12 2z" fill-rule="evenodd" fill="#758CA3"></path></svg>
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<thead><table class="rounded-corners" width="100%"> <thead> <tr> <td class="recimg" rowspan="4" width="35%" background=""></td> <td colspan="2" width="65%" class="recbrand">Snowboardguide</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="recname">Har du behov for veiledning? Finn all informasjonen du trenger i guiden vår.</td> </tr> <tr> <td colspan="2" class="recbutton space"><a href="/snowboardguiden" target="_self">Les nå</a></td> </tr> </thead> </table> <br><br><div title="Page 9" class="page"><div class="section"><div class="layoutArea"><div class="column"><p><strong></strong></p></div></div></div></div>
<p><strong>Men's Burton Custom X Camber Snowboard</strong></p>
<p>Skill Level: Expert</p>
<p><strong>Get pro-caliber speed and precision with the most aggressive board in Burton's lineup.</strong></p>
<p>Pro-caliber is a strong statement for any board, but the men's Burton
Custom X Snowboard has repeatedly delivered for snowboarding's most
demanding riders due to precise design and powerful drive. The
confidence is in the tech, which includes the carbon-fueled snap of
Squeezebox High core profiling, a competition-grade base, and 45° Carbon
Highlights High-Voltage for the ultimate in lightweight responsiveness.
The hardest charging board we make, the Custom X is available in two
versions: Choose the power of camber or the float and catch-free feel of
Flying V.</p>
<p>All 2014 and newer Burton snowboards with The Channel mounting system
(such as the one you are looking at here) are backed by a three-year
warranty from date of purchase.</p>
<p><strong>Personality</strong><br>Soft and Playful - Happy Medium - <strong>Stiff and Aggressive<br><br><b>Terrain<br>Park : </b></strong>6/10<strong><b> - All Mountain : </b></strong>9/10<strong><b> - Powder :</b></strong> 7/10<strong><br></strong></p>
<p><br><b>Binding Size Chart:<br>S = </b>35-40.5<b><br>M = </b>37-43.5<b><br>L = </b>43.5-50+<br></p>
<br><div class="product-tab-content rte is-active"><p></p></div>
Herre SW10066_1.jpg?ts=1730112867 Black_0.jpg?ts=1696588886 Black_1.jpg?ts=1696588886 Black_2.jpg?ts=1696588887 Black_3.jpg?ts=1696588886 Black_4.jpg?ts=1696588887 Black_5.jpg?ts=1696588886 Black_6.jpg?ts=1696588887 Black_7.jpg?ts=1696588887 Black_8.jpg?ts=1696588887